The Tall Man (1960-1962)

The Tall Man was a great little show focused on the relationship between Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid. The stories  were fanciful, but I have to confess that I like it better that way in this show, Normally I might be bothered by the straying from fact in a show about real-life people that I’ve studied so much, but in this show, hypothetical situations the pair are put into create more of a dream-state experience.

Pat Garrett from The Tall Man

We all know that Pat Garrett shot and killed Billy the Kid, and most know the story that the two were friends. Often that aspect gets greatly exaggerated, but in the confines of this presentation  it works really well. The story of Billy the Kid and the Lincoln County  War is a tragic one, no matter what you think of Billy; be it a hero or a villain.  The elements that brought Billy to the life he led were unfortunate, and the state of New Mexico was a cesspool of political corruption with or without Billy’s presence in the territory. So what makes The Tall Man so fun is the way we get to indulge a little “what if” about the old west.

Billy the Kid from The Tall Man

Different from Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp, which just overblew the greatness of it’s protagonist, The Tall Man instead overblows the relationship. What results is a dynamic that makes you watch and then feel like that’s the way you wish it had been. Pat cares about Billy and tries to steer him to the right side of things, and Billy, though rowdy and questionable, heeds good advice and shows  a good heart. It moves me because it’s one of those shows that creates a moment where you wish against reality, even though you’re aware of the truth. It’s only a half-hour, black-and-white western, but for me, it really draws me in.

Currently, the first season of The Tall Man can be found on youtube. Alos, click the  link below to be taken to the shows IMDB page.

Making some sense of the old west