The Gunfighters

This is a fairly comprehensive list of the gunfighters from the gunfighting era. Not everyone who should probably be on this list is, it’s safe to say, but I’ll be making updates as I discover, or get around to, filling in omissions that have been realized. I’ve broken it down into three sub-groups. The first being the most recognized, the second section being either names known by association, or because they were active enough to be considered heavy-hitters but never got the same recognition, and finally, the third group is gunmen that were prolific enough to make the list for one reason or another, but just aren’t as known.

Last Name First Name Born Died Nickname Notoriety Affiliation

Starting with the A-Team…

Allison Clay 1840 1887 Meanest/Deadliest Texas Cowboys
Earp Morgan 1851 1882 Tombstone feud Earp Brothers
Earp Virgil 1843 1905 Tombstone feud Earp Brothers
Earp Wyatt 1848 1929 Tombstone feud Earp Brothers
Hardin John Wesley 1853 1895 Ornery SOB Texas Cowboys
Hickok Bill 1837 1876 Wild Bill Lawman/Deadly Shot
Hollliday John 1851 1887 Doc Tombstone feud Earp Brothers
James Frank 1843 1915 Train & Bank Robbing James Gang
James Jesse 1847 1882 Train & Bank Robbing James Gang
Longabaugh Harry 1861 1908 Sundance Kid Train & Bank Robbing Wild Bunch
Masterson Bat 1853 1921 Dodge Lawman Masterson Brothers
McCarty Henry 1860 1881 Billy the Kid Lincoln Co. War Regulators
Parker Robert 1866 1937 Butch Cassiday Train & Bank Robbing Wild Bunch
Ringo Johnny 1850 1882 Tombstone feud Clanton-McLaury Gang
Short Luke 1854 1893 Dodge City Gambler Masterson Brothers
Thompson Ben 1842 1884 Deadly Gunman Texas Cowboys
Younger Bob 1853 1889 Train & Bank Robbing James Gang
Younger Cole 1844 1916 Train & Bank Robbing James Gang

Next, we have the B squad…

Bass Sam 1851 1878 Train Robber Sam Bass Gang
Bowdre Charlie 1859 1880 Lincoln Co. War Regulators
Bowles Charles 1829 ? Black Bart Stage Robber
Brewer Dick 1852 1878 Lincoln Co. War Regulators
Brocious Bill 1882 Curly Bill Tombstone feud Clanton-McLaury Gang
Bullock Seth 1849 1919 Deadwood Lawman
Clanton Ike 1887 Tombstone feud Clanton-McLaury Gang
Clanton Billy 1862 1881 Tombstone feud Clanton-McLaury Gang
Clements Mannie 1908 Hardin Family
Clements Mannen 1887 Hardin Family
Courthright Jim 1848 1887 Long-haired
Curry George 1871 1900 Wild Bunch
Dalton Bob 1868 1892 Coffeyville Raid Doolin Dalton Gang
Dalton Emmett 1871 1937 Coffeyville Raid Doolin Dalton Gang
Dalton Grat 1865 1892 Coffeyville Raid Doolin Dalton Gang
Dalton Bill 1866 1895 Coffeyville Raid Doolin Dalton Gang
Doolin Bill 1858 1896 Coffeyville Raid Doolin Dalton Gang
Evans Jesse 1853 Lincoln Co. War Jesse Evans Gang
Fisher John King 1854 1884 Rustler/Gunfighter Thompsons
Garrett Pat 1850 1908 Assassin of Billy the Kid New Mexico Lawman
Horn Tom 1860 1903 Gun-hand
Ketchum Thomas Black Jack Wild Bunch
Logan Harvey 1865 1904 Train & Bank Robbing Wild Bunch
Longley Bill 1851 1878 Outlaw Texas Cowboys
Madsen Chris 1851 1944 Pursuit of Daltons
Masterson Ed 1852 1878 Dodge Lawman Masterson Brothers
Masterson Jim 1855 1895 Dodge Lawman Masterson Brothers
Mather Dave 1845 Mysterious
McLaury Frank 1881 Tombstone feud Clanton-McLaury Gang
McLaury Tom 1881 Tombstone feud Clanton-McLaury Gang
Miller Jim 1866 1909
Neil Hyman HooDoo Brown
Newcomb George 1866 1905 Bitter Creek Doolin Dalton Gang
O’Folliard Tom 1858 1880 Lincoln Co. War Regulators
Owens Commodore 1852 1919 Lawman
Plummer Henry 1837 1864 Montana Lynching Plummer Gang
Reeves Bass 1838 1910 Lawman
Rudabaugh Dave 1840 1886 Dirty Dodge City Gang, Regulators
Scurlock Josiah 1882 Doc Lincoln Co. War Regulators
Selman John 1839 1896 Killed John Hardin
Slaughter John 1841 1922
Smith Tom 1830 1870 Bear River Abilene Lawman
Stoudenmire Dallas 1845 1882
Thomas Henry 1850 1912 Heck Pursuit of Daltons Three Guardsmen
Tilghman Bill 1854 1924 Masterson Brothers
Thompson Billy 1845 1888 Killed CB Whitney Texas Cowboys
Webb J.J. 1847 1882 Dodge Lawman. Las Vegas Gangster Dodge City Gang
Younger James 1848 1902 Train & Bank Robbing James Gang
Younger John 1851 1874 Train & Bank Robbing James Gang

And finally we have the men that you should probably know about but may not…

Alvord Burton Lawman/Outlaw
Brooks Bill 1832 1874 Buffalo, Bully
Brown Henry 1857 1884 Lincoln Co. War Regulators
Claiborne Billy 1860 1882 The Kid Tombstone feud Clanton-McLaury Gang
Coe Frank 1931 Regulators
Coe George 1856 1941 Regulators
Coe Phillip 1871 Klled by Hickok
Crawford Ed 1873 Lawman C.B. Whitney Shootig
Cruz Floreintino 1882 Indian Charlie Tombstone feud Clanton-McLaury Gang
Daugherty Roy 1870 1924 Doolin Dalton Gang
Earp Warren 1855 1900 Earp Brothers
Flatt George 1852 1880 First Marshal of Caldwell
Ford Bob 1861 1892 Shot Jesse James James Gang
French Jim Lincoln Co. War Regulators
Gillette Jim 1856 1937 El Paso Marshal
Hall Jesse 1849 1911 King Fisher/Sutton Feud Texas Rangers
Hill Tom 1878 Jesse Evans Gang
Hindman George 1878 Lincoln Co. War Murphy Dolan
Hite Robert 1882 James Gang
Jackson Frank 1856 Sam Bass Gang
Johnson Jack Turkey Creek Tombstone feud Earp Brothers
Leslie Frank 1925 Buckskin
Logan Lonie 1871 1900 Train & Bank Robbing Wild Bunch
Long John Lincoln Co. War
Long Steve 1868 Big Corrupt Lawman Laramie Lawgroup (Criminals)
Matthews Jacob 1847 1904 Lincoln Co. War Murphy Dolan
McCall Jack 1850 1877 Assassin of Wild Bill
McMasters Sherman Tombstone feud Earp Brothers
McNab Frank 1878 Lincoln Co. War Regulators
Middleton John 1885 Lincoln Co. War Regulators
Miller Clelland 1876 Train & Bank Robbing James Gang
Morco John 1873 Pocky Jack
Olinger John Lincoln Co. War Murphy Dolan
Olinger Bob 1841 1881 Lincoln Co. War Murphy Dolan
O’Rourke John 1861 1882 Johnny Behind the Deuce
Outlaw Baz 1854 1894 Bass Drunk Lawman
Pickett Tom 1858 1934 Lincoln Co. War Regulators
Pierce Charley 1895 Train & Bank Robbing Doolin Dalton Gang
Raidler Bill 1865 1905 Train & Bank Robbing Doolin Dalton Gang
Roberts Andrew 1878 Buckshot Lincoln Co. War Murphy Dolan
Salazar Yginio 1863 1936 Lincoln Co. War Regulators
Shepherd Oliver 1868 James Gang
Stiles Billy ? 1908 Train Robber Burt Alvord Gang
Stillwell Frank 1857 1882 Tombstone feud Clanton-McLaury Gang
Tyler Jesse 1900 Pursuit of Wild Bunch
Waite Fred 1853 1895 Lincoln Co. War Regulators
Walker Joe 1850 1898 Train & Bank Robbing Wild Bunch
Warner Matt 1864 1938 Mormon Kid Train & Bank Robbing Wild Bunch
Weightman George 1896 Train & Bank Robbing Doolin Dalton Gang
Wells Sam 1876 Train & Bank Robbing James Gang
Wheeler Ben 1854 1884 Medicine Lodge Bank Robbery

And a couple notes…

  • Information has been gathered from all sorts of books, newspapers, and documents, but for this list, and for any sort of quick info look up, Bill O’Neal’s Encyclopedia of Western Gunfighters is easily the best resource.
  • Also, I know there may be (and probably is) someone who should be on this list but isn’t. Don’t fret, I’ll be making updates and adding omissions as I realize them.
  • Feel free to drop a line about a name you think should be added, or a name that belongs in a different location. Just have a solid reason for why, and not just willy-nilly.




Making some sense of the old west